When collaborating on a process, it is essential to be able to send message when a process is waiting for someone.


Pulse-IT can generate some actions buttons and send with your email of Slack message. Those button will let you open a job directly by clicking on the link and even accept or reject the Job.


In order to present those direct Url buttons to user jobs, Pulse-IT has to know the context of this UIJob. Out of this context, there is no way to generate those links when using an email task in a standard workflow.


In version Pulse-IT 2.5.1, we have implemented a notification framework that let you trigger a workflow based on events. For example, when a UIJob is assigned to a user, you may send him an email to tell him some work is waiting. 


Here is a step by step how-to configure notifications

- Select the UIJob of your choice

- Click on the Notifications button

- Choose you event

- Add an email task

- Select the needed options


 Sample On Start Workflow



Pulse-IT will manage a list of events for UIJobs

- On All Events

- On Start Job

- On Assign

- On Unassign

- On Accept

- On Reject

- On Overdue

In order to have the full Accept and Reject links, please use the On Start Event.


Here is the list for Workflow Jobs

- On All Events

- On Start Job

- On End Workflow

- On Error Workflow


For each of these events, you can define a specific workflow which will receive the global context enhanced with the notifier context. This notifier context describe which event has been triggered, and who are the user supposed to handle this UIJob so that you can warn them by mail, slack or skype. 

The notifier JSON data

  "origin": "embedded",
  "allocation_date": "2020-04-03",
  "event": "ON_START_JOB",
  "users": [
      "username": "jboulbi@embrace.dev",
      "first_name": "John",
      "last_name": "Boulbi",
      "friendly_name": "John",
      "id": 17,
      "email": [
      "username": "kboulbi@embrace.dev",
      "first_name": "Karen",
      "last_name": "Boulbi",
      "slack": "",
      "friendly_name": "Karen",
      "id": 18,
      "email": [
  "accept_job_url": "http://pulse-it/sequence/on_accept?token=eyJzZXF1ZW5jZV9pZCI..",
  "restart_sequence_url": "http://pulse-it/sequence/restart_sequence_from_token?..",
  "reject_job_urls": [
      "description": "",
      "title": "Repeat Workflow",
      "reject_job_url": "http://pulse-it/sequence/on_reject?token=eyJzZXF1ZW5..",
      "target_job_name": "Workflow",
      "target_job_key": "seq_job_workflow",
      "target_job_type": "seq_job_workflow"

You may have several reject_job_urls as you may have several reject path In you sequence.

Beware that if a job is allocated to a group, notifier context will contain the users contained in this group. That's why, you will iterate on notifier["users"] and send the mail to loop_value["email"].