Preparing your server

Installation planning

To install Automate-IT-2.5, you will need: 

  • CentOs 7.x
  • 8 cores
  • 16 Go Ram
  • 250 Go SSD Hard Drive
  • Access to a production storage (R/W)
  • (A virtual machine is recommended)


Server installation

Install a CentOS 7.x Linux server.

Open the firewall on the following ports:

4369epmd, a peer discovery service used by RabbitMQ nodes and CLI tools
5672, 5671

used by AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 clients without and with TLS


$ ssh root@automate-it-server

Where { automate-it-server } point to your Linux server.

Create a “ait” user

$ useradd -m -r ait
$ passwd ait


Add “ait” user to sudoers

Edit sudoers to add ait user

$ nano /etc/sudoers


Add this line after root

ait             ALL=(ALL)       ALL


Disable selinux

$ nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux

Change this line


And reboot the machine


Reconnect as ait

$ ssh ait@automate-it-server


Installing Automate-IT-2.5


If not connected, login into your server

$ ssh ait@automate-it-server


Create a folder to hold the installer

$ mkdir automate-it


Copy the installation folder

Copy pulse-it -x.x.x folder into /home/ait/automate-it


Run the installer

$ sudo ./ --online --with_python

CLI Options



Upgrade app and system packages
--upgrade-appUpgrade only the app, not the system packages
--reinstallRedo the install process.
--uninstallDe-install the product

--init_databaseReinitialize the Automate-IT database
--no-postgresqlInstall product without installing postgres db
--with_pythonInstall a fresh version of Python. Needed only when running the installer for the first time.
--onlineTells the installer to use yum configured repository
--pip-localeTells the installer to use local pip package
--pip-trusted-hostsSet the host:port pairs passed as params (separated by comma) as trusted, even though it does not have valid or any HTTPS.
--pip-index-urlSet a specific pip url for installation
--sslInstall the server in https. You need to specify where the certificated are located in /etc/nginx/sites-available/embrace-app-https.conf


Upgrading Automate-IT-2.5


If not connected, login into your server

$ ssh ait@automate-it-server


Copy the upgrade folder

Copy pulse_it -x.x.x folder into /home/ait/pulse-it


Run the installer

$ sudo ./ --online --upgrade-app

Uninstalling Automate-IT-2.5


If not connected, login into your server

$ ssh ait@automate-it-server 
$ cd automate-it-x.x.x


Run the installer

$ sudo ./ --uninstall